Socrative is a kind of LMS. It is a free web 2.0 tool that you can take surveys, share online by applying online exams and taking the results instantly, you can make online exams as a group and you can make exit ticket from 3 questions about your course. It is similar to Kahoot but this application is a tool that teachers can determine the time and each student can answer the questions at their own pace.HERE you can see my Socrative quiz about literary words and if you want to create yours, you can look at a glance below, there is a short introduction to Socrative.

Firstly, you need to go and sign up.
 After you sign up, you need to choose a category according to your requirements.
 By clicking the "add quiz" can start to create your own quiz.
You do not have to write at that moment, you can import it.
 And now, if you choose "create new" you can start to write your questions by giving a title.
You can choose the types of questions such as multiple-choice, true-false, and short answer.
And then you can write. You can add and remove the options and if you want, you can add some explanations below in order to make learners clear.

After finishing the questions and answers,
click "save and exit".
Mission accomplished!


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