Are you tired of boring lessons, ordinary books, and methods? Here comes a quite good platform named Glogster! To tell the truth, this was one of the most fun that I have ever tried. Maybe it is because of the content that I prepared, but it is undoubtedly among the applications I will use.

Thanks to this platform, you can design posters,affiches, also you can do your assignments. It is very easy to use. If you do not have any opinion on your mind you can choose from the ready ones. In this platform, you can create concept cartoons and digital posters by using multımedia elements such as text, graphics, audio, and video together.

It is a highly appealing platform, which increases students' interest in the class and increases the permanence of the knowledge learned. For example, a teacher can easily teach vocabulary by using these posters even s/he can support learning more than a sense.

Here you can see my colorful poster about brain specialization. 

(I just copied here if anything happens)


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