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In this post, I will introduce Flipgrid. I will begin with a topic that still remains a problem today I think. I remember from my own school time that most of the parents were complaining about the attendance of their child. The course hours were 40 min. and there was approximately 30-35 student per class. Unfortunately, it is not enough time for all children to attend the class and have the right to speak. Isn't one of the aims of education to reach the level that students can express their ideas freely? Then we as a teacher must provide it somehow. That's exactly where technology comes to help us. While today's children are sufficiently intimate with technology, teachers need to speak a little bit of their language. In fact, there is a quote by John Dewey: "If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow.".

Flipgrid is a free,education-focused platform to create and share short videos. Users create videos around topics, then upload those videos to a "grid" for sharing, feedback and topic-based 'response videos.' Flipgrid students build and strengthen social learning communities as they discuss their ideas and experiences with their peers.

Here you can access

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